...fly me to the moon...

...I can't help but feel a bit excited over Obama's recent budget cut to more than 120 government programs, including the NASA's moon mission effort. Although it has been a source for high-tech gadgets, and earth observatory, ditching this effort for now will be a great step in the right direction of reining in some of the US deficits. I still can't wrap my head around spending over a billion dollars on the Ares 1 rocket, one of NASA's recent space shuttles. I was happy to find out that Obama is launching a new plan of expanding the development of a commercial craft to transport astronauts into orbit. Doing so NASA is forced to rely on a private company to design and manufacture spacecrafts, which in turn means less tax dollars and government spending on such programs.
                Not sure if Mr. Buzz and Armstrong would feel the same way...oh well! , but maybe they would join in on taking a giant leap for affordable healthcare to all...!!!