...lazy sunday mornings r the best...

a holy drag...

…so I have this weird collection of Last Supper photos, and most of them with a new added twist. The Swedish photographer Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin did her own version using drag queen models, part of the Ecce Homo series. I was instantly intrigued and found it to be an important social commentary on what it means to be queer and spiritual. It’s a refreshing perspective, providing a focus for discussion and an image of how Jesus welcomes everyone, even those who might wear leather on special occasions….

Go religious-forward art and thinking!
Go love and acceptance!


...a happy weekend cheer E.N.J.O.Y...!


Rest in Peace Mr. Salinger!


state of the union...

…just watched the state of the union, and I believe the president found his voice, again. Some highlights…Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal will right a serious wrong. Calling out the Supreme Court might have been a bit gutsy, but real reform is never achieved lightly…. Not harpooning health care after months with Debbie downer polls and opposition, restored faith in a scandie like myself…Go universal healthcare! Still lots of work ahead, and especially among all those snarky GOP’s, and everyone else who just sit on the fence shaking their heads, being against everything, but never for anything!

Still hopeful….


power to the peaceful...

...Wow, came across some interesting and random reading at newsweek.com today. Portraits of Gun Owners across the USA.

One nation, Under gun...
According to this news story the 2nd Amendment supposedly states that a well regulated Militia is a necessity to the security of a free state, and that the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. Two hundred years later, in 1999, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and explosives estimated that there are about 215 million guns in America- at least one firearm in half the households in the country. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, however, puts that number at 192 million guns, owned by 39 percent of the population. Either way, that’s a lot of firepower, and sure makes a pacifist like myself real scared…….bang-bang- wow...!

bro' time...

Yay! I got some good news today, my brother is visiting in May, and possible his wife too. This will be their first time in Seattle, bring on the scandies, family fun times let’s go!


day dreaming...


...Watching CNN, streaming archives from the earthquake disaster in Haiti still makes my heart break and stomach turn all over again. Makes you feel so powerless in the big scheme of things, and you just wish there was an easy fix button to press. It’s been amazing though to watch how the global community has really come together in relief efforts. Let’s not get desensitized, but keep the Haiti people on our minds and help in whatever way we can…

• One's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others, by means of love, friendship, indignation and compassion. ~Simone de Beauvoir


a little promotion...

Hi guys!
Jakes band the silOHs was recently put on rotation on KEXP, please request his tunes by logging into http://kexp.org and e-mail your request to dj@kexp.org. You can also purchase the album online at iTunes or Rhapsody.

Thanks for everyone's support!


date night...

Happy Friday!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~the weekend finally!
my love has planned a surprise date night, so we are off to  adventures in the city!!! Yay!

~enjoy your weekend u all!!!

new decade, new beginnings...

As a 2010 New Years resolution, I decided to join the whole blogger trend, so 3-2-1 here we go!